美國食品藥物管理局加強國際監管合作美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)發表記錄國內乃至全球公共衛生單位所推動的監管活動及策略之「全球行動報告(Global Engagement Report)」。該報告詳實說明FDA如何採用國產嚴格標準,為進口的食品、藥品、醫療器材及其他管制產品的安全性及品質嚴密把關。該報告辦公室出租概述FDA與全球其他同性質機構、組織及聯盟合作及努力的成果、發展及協調具科學依據的監管標準、加強對監管系統重要性的認知、建立公共衛生突發事件爆發時能快速因應、分享資訊、數據的全球化平台。 FDA於非洲、亞洲、歐洲、拉丁美洲及中東地區廣設能快速匯集當地監管系統相關資訊的全球辦事農地貸款處,並藉此向外國政府及企業宣導產品進口美國所需遵守的規範及標準;進一步合作研發以科學及實證為基礎的方法以確保產品的安全及品質。 FDA負責監管來自150多個國家的產品、13萬個進口商及30萬種國外設備。自2005年至2011年間,每年食品進口量平均成長一成。美國市面上有近五成新鮮水果、兩室內設計成鮮蔬及八成水產品仰賴進口。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 8/2012,2 May 2012) FDA STRENGTHENS INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONThe US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the agency’s “Global Engagement Report”,detailing the many activities and strategies FDA 小額信貸is using to transform from a domestic to a global public health agency.The report describes the steps the agency is taking to ensure that imported food, drugs, medical devicesand other regulated products meet the same rigorous standards for safety and quality as 買房子thosemanufactured domestically. The report outlines a variety of engagement strategies the FDA is using inpartnership with other agencies, organizations and coalitions around the world to strengthen global,regulatory capacity-building efforts; developing and harmonize 系統傢俱science-based regulatory standards;increase awareness about the importance of regulatory systems; and share information and data globally to facilitate rapid identification of and response to public health emergencies.Through its international offices in Africa, Asia, 房屋二胎Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, the FDAis increasing its knowledge base about local regulatory systems and landscapes. The agency is alsoincreasing the understanding of foreign governments and industry of FDA regulations and standards forproducts destined 整合負債for US consumers and collaborating to strengthen regulatory science and evidencedbased approaches to product safety and quality. FDA-regulated products originate from more than 150 countries, 130,000 importers and 300,000 foreign facilities. Each year from 2005-2011, 節能燈具food imports have grown by an average of 10%. Approximately 50% of fresh fruits and 20% of fresh vegetables and 80% of the seafood consumed in America come from abroad.

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